Highways are being built in Cairo just inches from houses

Highways are being built in Cairo just inches from houses

If you have more worries noise machines for c nom, then you bud ete solidarity with the residents of one of the at persons of the Egyptian Cairo . Construction of urban roads – business though not meaningless , but sometimes ruthless . Another evidence of this was found in Egypt.

Incredible snapshots of Egyptian highway construction blew up the Web in a matter of hours . Users first does not believe his eyes , but after the fact, as the fact of building a high-speed highway right next to the residential multi-family homes was confirmed , wondered : ” How is this possible ?” In fact in giza in order to connect the two ring roads, one of the overpass branches had to be raised to level 6 of the floor . Now, the highway runs at a distance from the balconies and windows of all only … 50 cm, and in some places and at all 20 inches!

Construction of a new highway in Giza , close to the Egyptian capital of Cairo , became the present sensation in the whole world . On one site the road runs in a few inches from the multi-storey residential building – so close , that the tenants will be able to rise from their balconies on 5-6 floors in the new high-speed highway , which will be called “bridge Tera al-Zomor “

This is vitally important overpass will soon time will link the two ring road, going in the capital of the country – Cairo . It is this part of the line is designed for maximum relieve traffic and improve the infrastructure of the city . Seemed to be , you can be happy for the residents of the district of Giza , but not necessary to hurry up, because the place , which is held this overpass , as the time and imprinted on the most images and is a real shock. And not only from residents of the four high-rise buildings , where the highway closely approached to the windows , but and all the people who personally saw all this process .

And the most terrible , that in this terrible situation even and not to determine who all the same “lucky” more than , the tenants , that were under the bridge, and more than ever do not see the sun light , or those who will live on the motorway . And it is not speaking about those people whose windows completely shut massive platform line .

In this terrible situation , in an attempt to stop what is happening inhabitants of houses and public appealed to the Ministry of housing construction of the country . The head of the Central Agency for the Construction of Egypt, Mahmoud Nassar, very beautifully and correctly discusses the benefits of the flyover for the entire city . And here at the expense of homes, caught in the midst of construction , he said , that they simply do not have on the map of the city and they were built illegally on illegally seized the vacant lands, that’s why pipe and calculated .

With this the residents most affected high-rise categorically do not agree . They assert , that all permits documents they are and legitimized further in 2008. According to this reason, they require the immediate evacuation and full compensation for spoiled housing , because in such conditions exist is impossible and dangerous to health even today . As it turned out, electricity and water supply were already cut off in these houses . But the authorities persist , so Most probably all the people have to leave their familiar place without any assistance from the side of the city . Moreover, not only the residents of the fourth floor , completely covered by a concrete structure , but also everyone else can not avoid eviction , because the lower part of the houses was in a dark tunnel , and the upper one would suffocate from exhaust gases , dust and stall from incredible noise .

Although for those tenants , whose apartment buildings have entered into the zone of greatest risk, but built on a legal basis , provided compensation , and full or partial relocation . According to the head of the construction department , more than $ 16 million has already been allocated for these needs . For the creation of an important infrastructure project in the form of a high-speed flyover with a length of 12.5 km , 317 million dollars were allocated from the treasury of the country and city .

Based on the whole , in the considerable amount is not included the costs for the dismantling of multi-storey houses and resettlement of the residents of the problem area , whose houses are considered samozastroya . The Parliament has already joined in resolving this issue . So, for example , Mohamed Fouad insists on revising the project construction , saying , that he was not only puts under threat the health and privacy of life themselves tenants, but also directly affects to shops , hair salons and other businesses , located on thefirst floors of the buildings, which are located under the road .

But the construction has already advanced very far to talk about its termination and dismantling . And whether they can solve this problem at the end of the work , it is difficult to predict . Surprises only one, why such an important issue not been resolved at the stage of design , then be able to precisely avoid to such extent ridiculous and unsafe situation .

Well, the time in the social networks Facebook and Twitter users have in all bullied over clearly miserable planners responsible construction company . There is fun for passengers , who are asked to drivers of buses to drop them on the balcony . Other joke , it is now they can park right in the living room or collect a fee for travel on the viaduct from the balcony.

But more than just ” concerned ” about that tenants may be killed under the wheels of a car … in the time of sleep . Jokes jokes , but the residents of the street Nasr El-Din does not to laugh , so that the organizers of this “miracle” plan , that on this busy transit viaduct , on the direction to Cairo will be able to rush for 750 thousand . cars (!) per … day .