Understanding Handmade Amethyst Earrings0.

Understanding Handmade Amethyst Earrings0.

Are you feeling stressed, have aches all over or are a little bit depressed? Then you might want to consider getting amethyst earrings, as they not only look great but they also have more to them than you might think. A lot of people think that crystals and gems have special healing powers, as if it absorbed the energy of mother earth. Placing amethyst under your pillow is said to disperse nightmares, isn’t this great?

As I said earlier, amethyst is said to have special healing abilities that lets the gem alleviate pain, depression and stress. There is, however, more to it than just that. Even if you are struggling with an addiction, this gem can help you get rid of the symptoms and recover. Now this all sounds great of course and it may or not be true but what is true is that amethyst looks beautiful and will never go out of style. You can wear it today with any type of outfit you want and you can do the same 30 years from now and it will still look great.

Always buy jewelry from a trusted and established jeweler. Jewelers have a reputation to build and will do a lot to keep a good reputation. Often the jeweler can take an amethyst earring and show you exactly why it’s genuine. It shouldn’t be hard to find a good jeweler. Also, you can use the internet to find one as you can look for reviews on the products sold by the jeweler but also service and prices. Synthetic gems are made with so much sophistication nowadays that you can hardly distinguish them from real gems. Buying handmade jewelry should be done with good research beforehand. This is because nowadays there are so many scammers out there that just want to take your money and sell you fake gems for the full price. About 65% of all gems on the market that are crafted into jewelry are synthetic and therefore fake. If you don’t want this to happen to you then read the next lines very carefully.